RESIDENTS in Weymouth and Portland are being invited to join the action in a giant interactive dome during the Olympic and Paralympic Cultural Olympiad events.

There are opportunities for 690 volunteers to assist at a festival venue that will offer a host of panoramic films, gaming and dance events, plus ticketed DJ and live music nights.

Local bands are also being urged to sign up and perform in the 21-metre dome, which will be on Weymouth Pavilion forecourt from July 26 to September 9.

The Innovation for Creative and Cultural Industries (ICCI) 360 arena will be a key ‘focal point’ for the 80-plus Maritime Mix events in the borough.

Last summer, the resort got a taste of the action when a smaller 12.5-metre dome popped up on Weymouth Beach in July to mark the one-year-to-go countdown.

This year, a large white dome of almost twice the size will be returning for the entire six weeks of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Sailing events when ‘400,000 visitors’ are expected.

It will be situated close to the free Live Site for spectators on the beach and the ticketed Weymouth Bayside Festival behind the Pavilion.

ICCI centre manager Dave Hotch-kiss said: “This new dome is almost twice the size and will have the capacity for 350 people seated or 750 standing, depending on how we lay it out for different events.

“We’ll have gaming events, 360-degree films, bands playing and a whole range of art and cultural events as part of the Maritime Mix.

“Without the ICCI the Maritime Mix wouldn’t be what it is, because we’re a venue it will very much be a focal point.

“We’re going to be in Weymouth for the whole period of the Games, while the Bayside Festival and Live Site are only there for the two weeks of the Olympics.”

ICCI events will be ticketed with prices ranging between £3 and £20.

A similar dome will be set up in Greenwich, London and it is hoped that the two arenas will ‘interact’.

The project, which is supported by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council and the University of Plymouth, has been funded by the Arts Council.

Mr Hotchkiss added: “The ICCI is a new approach to watching films or seeing bands. It’s got panoramic screens, high-definition projectors and surround-sound so the audience is completely immersed by sights and sounds.

“We’re there for the whole period and we need 15 volunteers a day to help us with organising the event, we also want local bands to perform in the programme gaps – we really want to involve the local community.”

Would-be volunteers and bands wishing to take part can call 01752 585060 or email


THE concept behind the ICCI arena is based on ‘touring panoramas’ which were popular 150 years ago.

A big top would move into town and roll out painted pictures and tell stories of adventures and battles around the world.

ICCI centre manager Dave Hotchkiss said: “The aim was to provide information and entertainment.

“We’re trying to renew that concept of touring panoramas using new digital technology rather than a painting we’ll be using film on a 360-degree screen.

“It’s really clever technology.”

Check out the project’s YouTube channel ICCI360.