SOUTHILL resident Simon Jones crosses Chafey’s Roundabout every day, often with his young daughters Ellie, six, and two-year-old Grace.

He said the county council should now look at crossings or speed cameras for the area.

He said: “It was an accident waiting to happen and it will happen again.

“The county council needs to do something about it.”

He added that he had seen people trying to cross the road where the incident happened, every day.

One Chafey’s Roundabout campaigner, who did not wish to be named, said: “I am disgusted the council has done nothing about the crossing after years of campaigning.

“How much more will it take before they do anything about it? We’ve tried, to no avail. This is a tragedy.”

A county council spokesman said: “Our sympathies are with the family involved. We understand it took place on the stretch of road to the south side of Chafey’s Roundabout.

“At full council last month we received a petition calling for a safe crossing point on the junction north of Chafey’s Roundabout.

“This is some distance from where the recent incident took place. We will undertake a feasibility study to look at crossing options in the spring.”

He added: “We also considered a request to reduce the speed limit from 50mph to 30mph on the north side of Chafey’s Roundabout.

“This proposal, which was not agreed, was also some distance from where the incident took place.”