RESIDENTS are being warned not to allow strangers into their homes after a string of distraction burglaries in Dorset.

Dorset Police are urging residents to call a friend or neighbour to help verify a caller’s identity when in doubt.

A spokesman said: “Recently an elderly occupant became victim of a distraction burglary having allowed a stranger in to her home.

“The male claimed his car had broken down and asked to use her phone book to call for assistance.

“It was subsequently discovered he had stolen cash and bankcards.

“This is one of many fictitious reasons used to gain entry into unsuspecting victims homes.

“If you are in doubt of a caller’s legitimacy, please call a friend or neighbour to assist you in verifying their identity.”

Police are asking residents to help elderly or vulnerable neighbours by keeping an eye out for any suspect callers and reporting any suspicious activity to Dorset Police on 101.