A MUM is on the run to raise money and make play time happy for the children at a special school.

Angie Hogg, of Kitchener Road, Weymouth, will take part in the London Marathon in April to help build a new playground at Westfield Arts College where her son, Ryan, is a pupil.

Ryan, 15, was diagnosed with aspergers at eight-years-old and received a place at the school that Ms Hogg said had been ‘fantastic’.

The mum-of-two, aged 49, said: “Ryan is leaving the school this year and I wanted to do something to thank them.

“The playground is very sad looking, just a slab of tarmac. The school is growing steadily and they need something more.

“Most kids would be happy with just an area they can run around on, but for the children who go to Westfield, a proper playground will make a lot of difference.”

Jenny Savage, treasurer of the Friends of Westfield School in Littlemoor Road, said: “We have got a very dismal playground at the moment. It was built at the same time as the school in 1976 and it desperately needs updating.

“We have just been awarded a £10,000 grant from the Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation to help with the work and we are delighted, but more is needed.”

In their letter to the Foundation, the Friends said: “Our pupils constantly tell us that they don’t like playtimes. Our current playground area is literally just a tarmac square with chain link fence around it. “Many of the children find it very difficult to cope with being in such a large unstructured area causing them high levels of anxiety.”

Ms Hogg, who is building up to the 26 miles by training at Budmouth Community Sports Centre, said: “I’m trying to fight my way through blisters. I ran 13 miles on Saturday and I’m aiming to get to 15 by next week.

“We were so lucky when he was offered a place at Westfield.

“We have just heard there are six sixth form places up for grabs so we’re hoping Ryan can stay because it’s such a fantastic school.”

Ms Hogg will give the advertising space on the front of her t-shirt during the marathon to the company that makes the highest bid. Interested businesses should email Angie at deltatangothree@aol.com To sponsor Angie, visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/run-Angie-run