As well as causing great deal of damage, suffering and hardship to the people of Weymouth and Dorset during last weekend’s floods, I witnessed a magnificent gesture by men of the RSPB.

Saturday’s heavy rain had flooded the islands of the tern breeding colony, on the Lodmoor reserve, completely submerging them.

RSPB men were on hand on the Sunday morning to place two inflatables in the water as a refuge for the many young terns just floating around.

These four RSPB men were working in water up to their chests to put in place and secure the inflatables.

It is with thanks to these men that many of the baby terns were saved.

On Monday I visited Lodmoor and was pleased to see terns on the inflatables, and that many of the young had survived their ordeal and were on dry land. Also the water is now starting to recede. Once again, thank you.

JOHN WALBRIDGE Heron Close Preston