What a missed opportunity and what a let down by Weymouth and Portland Borough Council .

I was under the misapprehension that the Olympics were going to be fantastic opportunity to showcase Weymouth as a beautiful seaside town that everyone would want to visit and that would in turn be boost for tourism in the area.

Why oh why then, with only a day to go, are the gardens on the first two roundabouts that you pass through coming into Weymouth (Manor Road and Chafeys) an absolute disgrace and are the worst I have seen in the 28 summers that I have lived in Weymouth?

In other years the roundabouts have been glorious: an abundance of colour and full of beautiful blooms. This year, there is hardly a flower in sight and the gardens look untidy and uncared for. Maybe I have missed something and this is some hair brained idea to revert to the natural habitat and if it is, then I think it is very misguided. First impressions count for a lot and if this is the first impression that visitors get of Weymouth then woe betide us. This coupled with the debacle of removing the beautiful Victorian lights on the seafront and replacing them with the laser monstrosities is a crying shame and I think whoever made these decisions should be ashamed of themselves as they have let the town down very badly. What a missed opportunity and what a let down the council is once again.

HELEN HARRIS, Avocet Close, Wyke Regis, Weymouth