LYME Regis Pantomime Society begins its quest for talent at its first audition for Dick Whittington at the church hall on September 10.

Stage performers are invited to vy for parts in the show which will be presented at the Marine Theatre from Tuesday, February 19 to Saturday, February 23, from 7.30pm.

Secretary and wardrobe mistress Shirley Colley stresses, however, that the search is not confined to those who wish to tread the boards in the annual show.

She said: “We are also anxious to recruit people with essential other skills needed in the production of a successful pantomime. We need volunteers to help in various capacities off stage, such as in the props area where there is a big demand for the pantomime we have chosen.” For the first few weeks after casting chorus rehearsals will be on Mondays, while principals will begin their preparation on Wednesdays.

The groups will then progress to working together.