THE Wind Turbine debate rumbles on, as Don Cutler’s letter (Have Your Say, August 27) illustrates.

He suggests siting them out to sea with the proviso that tidal flow generators are built into their bases to give a sustained power output. The tidal flow part will not happen, Don.

Why is our green and pleasant land being blighted by these inefficient, intermittent, unreliable bird-chomping monstrosities?

No one on these ‘Isles of Wonder’ lives more than 70 miles from a totally predictable 100 per cent reliable energy source, the sea.

Until the oil runs out or science can prove beyond any doubt that burning fossil fuels is warming the Earth, governments will continue to pay lip service to green energy and no serious investment will be made to harness the power of tidal flow and ocean currents.

A study by American scientists, calculates that harnessing 0.01 per cent of the power generated by ocean currents and tidal flow would provide the total energy needs of twice the present world population.

The UK is one of the most innovative and technically advanced countries on the planet, entirely surrounded by powerful tidal seas. The technology to extract electricity from tidal flow already exists so why is it not here?

Rodney Best

Doncaster Road Weymouth