YOUTH groups from across the county will come together to enjoy the first-ever Dorset-themed Olympics .

The Dor’lympics will take place at Dorchester ’s Kings Road playing fields on Sunday, September 30, with youngsters taking part in events such as Dorset Knob throwing and welly wanging.

The sporting event has been organised by the Dorset Youth Association, with the aim of bringing young people from across the county together.

More than 50 groups have been invited to attend the first ever event of its kind.

Project worker for the Dorset Youth Association Emma Brown said: “It’s open to all the youth organisations that are affiliated to the Dorset Youth Association.

“We are trying to organise an event where we get all the groups in Dorset that are mainly run by volunteers together.

“It’s a way of celebrating what they all do but also getting people more into sport and trying to get their families involved in the running of the youth groups.”

She added that as well as a Dorset theme to the sporting events, organisers also wanted to get youngsters to try new things on the day and get involved in sports or activities they may not have tried before.

Emma said: “We are going to have things that they will never have tried before like Ultimate Frisbee and tag Kabaddi as well as Knob-throwing and welly wanging because we wanted it to be the first ever Dorset Olympics.”

She added: “It’s the first ever event like this where we are trying to bring groups from all across the county together to compete in one event.”

The West Dorset District Council Action Van will also be on hand to provide a range of entertainment on the day.

The organisers are busy preparing for the event but are looking for someone who is well known from the local football scene who will be able to act as a goalkeeper for a penalty shout-out the youngsters will be involved in.

Anyone who can help is asked to get in touch with the Dorset Youth Assoc-iation by emailing info@