I found it interesting reading Coun Goodman’s letter on what Weymouth and Portland Borough Council had done to secure a long-term legacy from the Olympics (Dorset Echo, September 22).

It was also refreshing to see the management committee communicating with the ordinary public.

The latter part of the letter was a list of events, mostly created by others, that provided ephemeral entertainment, which will have no long-term benefit for the area.

However, the main point was that the borough had ‘hosted’ the UKTI Business Embassy.

This event was devised, setup and managed by UK Trade and Industry (UKTI) a part of central government. UKTI run many such events and the council can hardly claim credit because one occurred locally.

So the actions that the council took to secure a long-term legacy were, on their own admission, in fact negligible.

It was also disappointing that Coun Goodman made no reference or apology for any of the council’s failings. If the council cannot recognise that they did not achieve success in all areas then they will never learn for the future.