TORRENTIAL rain and severe weather conditions caused chaos across Dorset – and there’s more on the way.

The Met Office issued a weather warning for the South West, including Dorset, last night after heavy rain throughout Sunday. The Environment Agency urged people to prepare for flooding, which could continue for the next few days, with up to three inches of rain forecast.

Nick Moore, of the Environment Agency, said: “We strongly urge people to sign up to flood warnings, keep a close eye on local weather forecasts, and be prepared for the possibility of flooding.

“We also ask that people stay safe, by staying away from swollen rivers and not attempting to drive through flood water.”

Coastguards said several boats in Portland Harbour had broken their moorings throughout the wet and windy afternoon yesterday.

Several key events were called off, including the Dorset One World festival in Dorchester , which had been rearranged after a deluge in July. It is now cancelled until next year.

Weatherman Bob Poots recorded 19mm – almost an inch of rain – in six hours.

He said: “That is quite a lot of rain. You can normally expect 50mm for the whole month of September.”

He added: “It is due to the region catching the tail end of a storm. It’s just a bit unlucky.

“I think we are in for showers and very little sunshine for the rest of the week.”

Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Walk for Wildlife was called off and the Rotary Dorset bike ride at Wareham, in aid of Cancer Research UK, was postponed due to high gusts of wind.

Organisers hope to be able to rearrange both events.

The Tall Ship Pelican, which had been due to leave on an epic voyage retracing the steps of Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance, remained in dock. Staff confirmed the trip had been rearranged to begin on Wednesday.

Eggardon kite festival, at Powerstock near Bridport, was also cancelled.

...And there’s more today

THE rain is expected to continue this morning, with the weather turning brighter this afternoon, according to the Met Office.

Temperatures will remain mild at around 15 degrees Celsius.

But heavy showers, including thundery showers, are predicted for tomorrow and Wednesday.