CHURCHGOERS in Dorset will be ordained as deacons at Salisbury Cathedral next Saturday.

The new role will involve them assisting parish priests as part of their own preparations to be ordained into priesthood.

The Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt Rev Dr David Stancliffe, will conduct the ceremony at the cathedral at 11am.

Those being ordained include Michael Lee, who will become an ordained local ministry (OLM) Curate in the Chickerell with Fleet Benefice.

Elaine Marsh will become OLM Curate in Askerswell, Loders, Powerstock and Symondsbury.

Marion Harrison will become the stipendiary (paid) Curate and Walter Bush the OLM curate of the Watercombe benefice.

Wendy Fobister will become the OLM Curate at Charminster and Stinsford, Margaret Mulley the OLM curate in the Iwerne Valley and Rosemary Coldwell the non-stipendiary (unpaid) ministry Curate of the St Peter and St Paul Church in Blandford Forum.

The candidates will go on retreat with the Dean of Salisbury, the Very Rev June Osborne, at the Hilfield Friary near Dorchester from this Wednesday to Saturday.