WE have more photos from former Echo photographer Harry Green's collection to share with you.

This week we have this viewpoint photographed from Lodmoor, Weymouth, looking out across Weymouth Bay. We'd be interested to know if anyone has any idea of the year it was taken.

There is some building work going on with a house with a rather marvellous view being constructed. Nowadays there is a lot more development in this area.

Interestingly, a member of the Facebook group Bygone Dorset was wondering if the flat roofed building we see on the right was some sort of coastguard or harbour watch building as it seems similar to many war time lookout posts in its design and has some sort of aerial on it.

The second picture we're sharing is of a master thatcher at work in a Dorset village.

We're not sure of the exact village so if anyone can provide an answer that would be much appreciated. A name suggested for the thatcher was Freddie Burden of the Abbotsbury Estates. Apparently he used to make his spars during the winter and always wore a cap even on his motorbike and sidecar.

Thanks to Carole Dorran of Bygone Dorset for bringing these pictures to our attention.