WEYMOUTH'S largest weekend sporting enterprise for children is celebrating 20 years of success.

Two decades after it started, the town's Saturday Sports Club is still going strong, with up to 100 youngsters taking part each May and June.

The club, for anyone aged between five and 13, is still run by Don Whistance, the man who started it all those years ago.

He is assisted by a number of helpers - some of whom also lend a hand at his successful gym club which runs from September to the end of April at Wey Valley School.

Activities include tag rugby, tennis, athletics, hockey, cricket, skipping, obstacle races and much more besides.

Representatives from some of Weymouth's more formal sporting ventures - the tennis club, rugby club, athletics club and others - also visit to pass on their knowledge to the youngsters.

Don explained: "When you think of sports in the community, this is where it starts.

"Children need time and space where they can play and this also gives them a safe environment where they can try out new sports. If they like them who knows - they might go on to join the tennis club or rugby club. It's a great place to start."

And Whistance is keen to acknowledge that sports aside, his club - which starts this coming Saturday - is a good place for youngsters to make new friends.

"Some kids come back year after year and some now come back to help me. But it's about much more than just sport. They make new friends from other schools, friends they might otherwise never meet, and it all adds to their confidence and self-esteem."

Saturday Sports Clubs are run to a pretty strict timetable. Parents are not encouraged to stay and watch and every child who takes part gets a medal and certificate at the end. Cups and trophies are also handed out at the final session.

"Countries like Australia have had these sort of schemes for a long time and it's time we had them too," says Whistance.

"For some reason, sport isn't something that is part of our lives big time, but if you give kids a taste of what's on offer out there, there is no reason why they won't go out and take it further themselves."

The Saturday Sports Club runs in eight sessions from Saturday, May 12 through to Saturday, June 30. Each session is from 1pm to 4pm and the fee for the season is £38.

For full details and to sign up, call Don on 01305 813237 or e-mail him at donjwhistance@tiscali.co.uk