DORCHESTER Town are patient on the fitness of injured duo Ferdinand Okoh and Tiago Sa after the pair missed Saturday’s 3-1 defeat at league leaders Weston-super-Mare.

Bournemouth loanee Okoh picked up a hip knock in the 2-1 defeat to Bracknell Town and, despite training with the Cherries in midweek, was not risked in Somerset by the Magpies.

Sa, meanwhile, has swelling on his knee and having trained before the Weston game was deemed unfit to face the Seagulls.

While Dorchester did not disclose how Okoh’s injury came about, Magpies’ assistant James Wood does not expect the midfielder to be a long-term absentee.

Wood told Echosport: “He’s picked up a slight knock against Bracknell.

READ MORE: Weston-super-Mare 3-1 Dorchester Town - reaction

“He got through this week against Bournemouth but he was struggling a little bit in training on Thursday.

“It was obviously sensible to leave him out of the squad. It left us a bit thin on the ground but that was precautionary from his part.

“It’s just an injury we have to manage and he’s in the best possible care with his parent club, so he can get the attention.

“We’re hoping he’ll train well this week and be available for us on Saturday (against Gosport).”

On Sa’s prognosis Wood added: “Tiago’s picked up a knock, unfortunately.

“He trained Tuesday but didn’t train Thursday, he needed treatment. Again, that’s one we’ve got to monitor.

“Tiago’s been exceptional for us. He’s a real honest lad and he’ll be hurting not being involved.

“As soon as he possibly can, he’ll be in contention.”

Wood said: “It’s swelling in his knee, I believe. It’s the loading at the moment.

“We’ve come through a hard period of fixtures and it’s not worth the risk. The squad is quite small at the moment so we can’t afford players to be out for an extended period of time.

“Again, it’s one we have to manage. Treatment will continue and hopefully he’ll be training (tomorrow). We’ll take a view of that by then.”

Dorchester host Gosport Borough in league action on Saturday (3pm).