PORTLAND United have agreed terms with full-back Jack Steele for the 2023/24 Wessex League season.

Steele follows Elliot Rossiter from Dorchester Sports, jumping up two levels from the Dorset Premier League.

Last season, Steele played 32 matches for Sports and was a near ever-present at the Avenue Stadium.

He is the 20th signing of the summer for the Blues and provides competition for Matt Harvey.

Speaking to Echosport, Portland boss Kyle Critchell enthused about Steele’s quality.

Asked if Steele was underrated, Critchell said: “I would agree. He had a difficult decision to make.

READ MORE: Elliot Rossiter and Sam Gadsby join Portland United

“He’s got a lot going in his life personally with trying to complete his degree so he’s decided that the next step for him is to try and push himself and compete in the Wessex Premier League.

“We’re absolutely delighted to capture the signature.

“We’re extremely excited for the squad we’ve been able to create and the amount of youngsters that are hopefully going to thrive in the environment we’ve created. So, I’m super excited.”

Quizzed on how far he feels Steele could go in the game, Critchell insisted the right-back could exceed Step 5 level.

He said: “Myself, Jamie (Symes, assistant) and Shaun (Bessant, player-coach) know Jack really well.

“I only had a short period of time at Dorchester Sports but I think he has the potential to kick on further than the Wessex Premier.

“It’s going to come down to conduct, how much he wants it and we’ve created good competition in the squad now.

“His first job is to compete for that position with Matt, who played ever so well towards the end of last season.

“That’s what we need, a squad of 16 to 18 lads that can come in, we don’t have to question their ability and they can fit into the side perfectly.”

In signing Steele, Portland have concluded their summer business.

Cricthell said: “We’re always open with the idea of strengthening.

“We’ve got a reserve side and a first team that we need to make sure is competitive.

“Within the first team now, we’ve got enough variation and competition that will hopefully lend itself to being a very positive season and progressing from what we did last season.

“Also, it’s exciting to improve those young lads and get them to a standard where they can make the transition to the league above or wherever they want to go.”

Steele joins Rossiter, Sam Gadsby, Josh Williams, Troy Walbridge, Bailey Rowe, Toby Diaz, Hayden Scott, Harry Thomas, Greg Borthwick, Lance Wilson, Matt Harvey, Ben Morris, Ryan McKechnie, Shaun Bessant, Harrison Bruton, Jack Delves, Brin Doyle, Connor Callow and George Stuttle in agreeing terms at Portland for 2023/24.