WEYMOUTH have ditched last season’s training base at AFC Stoneham, near Eastleigh.

While the Terras are for now keeping secret the whereabouts of their new training digs, pending a club announcement, it has been confirmed that the Stoneham era has expired.

Weymouth have, however, indicated that pre-season training will take place in Bournemouth.

Terras’ manager Mark Molesley alluded to the abode of most Weymouth players coming within the BCP sphere of influence.

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And he will choose a training base to suit the nucleus of his squad, with eight players confirmed so far.

In previous seasons at Weymouth, Molesley opted for Blandford School as a headquarters, favouring the ample pitch expanse and then classroom-based analysis and tactical work.

However, he revealed to Echosport that his search for a new location had been trickier than expected.

“There’s a severe lack of facilities in the area, whether that’s Dorset or looking into Hampshire,” he said.

“We’re leaving no stone unturned and we’ve got our pre-season in Bournemouth all sorted, so in due course we’ll announce our training facility.

“There’s a lot to consider.

“Our recruitment is heavily Bournemouth-based in terms of the players we’ve already got in the club.

“The ones we’ve already got, we have to look at where they’re travelling from. They make up the lion’s share of the squad and that helps us link other players to it.

“One thing is for sure, everyone who has signed has signed for the badge, the fans and the community.

“It’s important that people are here for the right reasons. The training facility, we might have to utilise it being closer to where our players have come from.”