PORTLAND United have the “nucleus” of their side completed for the 2024/25 Velocity Wessex League season, according to boss Kyle Critchell.

Portland have so far confirmed 18 players in their 2024/25 squad, the most recent coming in the form of George Stuttle.

Only Hamworthy United recruit Brin Doyle and Ben Morris, who is taking a break from the game, have left the club this summer.

And Critchell has declared himself “really excited” with his summer business so far.

READ MORE: Patrick Jenkins joins Portland United for 2024/25 season

Speaking to Echosport, he said: “There were areas that we certainly needed to develop and strengthen.

“With Patrick, he now adds that competition up front, which is perfect.

“Jamie Symes is trying to get himself fit and if he is, he’ll be competing for those forward spaces, so that gives us Greg (Borthwick), Josh Camp, Patrick and Jamie.

“Then, Freddie (Beale) we’ve got a really versatile player who will add a great deal of depth for us with another left-sided player.

“In terms of our business, we’re really excited and happy. What we’re most happy about is the nucleus of the side and how many players want to be here.

“I think that’s really important and we’re excited for the season to start and pre-season to start.”

George Stuttle, Patrick Jenkins, Freddie Beale, Shaun Bessant, Jamie Symes, Crit Clarke, Hayden Scott, Matt Harvey, Jacob Coombs, Jamie Cleaver, skipper Josh Williams, vice Connor Callow, Greg Borthwick, Joe Wickham, Jack Delves, Sam Gadsby, Harrison Bruton and Josh Camp have all agreed terms for 2024/25.