WEYMOUTH Ladies enjoyed their end of season presentation night at Redlands when a multitude of trophies were handed out.

The manager’s player of the season award went to Rosie Sharpe who had a tremendous campaign in the centre of midfield.

Although not scoring as many goals as in the previous season, Sharpe impressed with her tremendous work ethic and will-to-win, which gained the team vital points.

The prestigious players’ player award went to Amy Douch who performed admirably in her debut season for the club.

Douch proved to be immensely popular with her manager and team-mates, and there was a tremendous cheer when immediately after receiving her trophy she committed her future to the club by signing on for the 2010/11 season.

The team player award went to Lisa Youd who unfortunately is leaving the club due to having to move away form the area.

The final award of the evening went to Fliss Carroll who won the most improved player.

Carroll made a seemingly smooth transition from donning the gloves to playing as a centre-back.

Weymouth Youth Under-17s’ player of the season Bryony Webb rounded off the night by committing her future to the club and also signing on for next season.