FOLLOWING the disappointment of failing to make the semi-finals of the National Atherley Trophy earlier this season, Dorset completed a clean sweep in the South West Counties Championship with another competent all-round performance.

Having already recorded a 48-shot victory away to Cornwall at the start of the campaign, and a subsequent double over both Devon and Somerset, it was anticipated that Dorset could finish with a flourish for the home fixture at Moonfleet, but at one time the outcome was very much in doubt.

The hosts had opened well and at five ends were sitting comfortably at 41-18, thanks to a great start by Ann Ankers, Sue Maggs, Linda Johnson and skip Jill Bryant (12-2), and the quartet of Monique Gandy, Edna Cumberland, June Searle and Kath Desmond, skipping a rink at her home club to an early 11-2 advantage.

Cornwall ladies then staged a comeback to such good effect that at 10 ends the combined advantage for the six Dorset rinks was reduced to seven shots, and the drama continued with just four shots separating the teams.

However, Dorset regained some composure and reasserted their superiority to lead by a country mile at 18 ends, 116-77.

At this stage, Val Baxter, Mar-garet Clapp, Isabelle Addison and skip Lyn Howard had come alive and roared to a 31-7 lead against Cornwall skip Marti Summerfield, and finished top rink at 33-12.

The Jill Bryant rink continued to pile on the agony for Cornwall’s Rita Dove, who finished with a 31-12 reverse.

Although Dorset dropped 12 shots on the run-in, the eventual result was not in doubt.

Desmond, however, saw her opening nine-shot advantage evaporate, and a last-end measure produced a count of two shots to Cornwall to give Barbara Jones and her rink a narrow 21-20 win.

Another close exchange between Rosie Beales, Elizabeth Messer, Wendy Brown and Sue Dadson and the Cornwall four skipped by Shirley Boyce resulted in an honours even outcome at 15-15.

Cornwall recorded two other rink wins when the experienced Liz Bray outscored Pat Cole, Jean Revell, Brenda Streater and Joan Halliwell.

The eventual 19-16 win for Bray masked the creditable comeback for Halliwell and co, who at one time trailed 17-5.

Irene Martindill, Wendy Hardy, Margaret Crawford and Sheila Baker won 10 of the 21 ends, but were headed by Chris Johnstone, 21-12. In the end, Dorset eased home by the clear margin of 27 shots to remain unbeaten during the 2011/12 season and take the South West Counties Champion-ship, having waited seven years to get their hands on the trophy once more, much to the pleasure of all the squad –particularly president Pat Cole and former England player Elizabeth Messer, who has announced her pending retirement from the indoor game.