THE PEOPLE of the Cerne Valley have said an emphatic ‘yes’ to the community’s neighbourhood plan.

Residents went to the polls yesterday to cast their votes on the plan, which will give local people the power to help shape the future of development in the area.

A convincing ‘yes’ vote saw 92 per cent of those that went to the polling station cast a vote in favour of the plan.

There was also a healthy turnout figure of 39.5 per cent.

The result means the Cerne Valley is the first community in Dorset to benefit from its own neighbourhood plan.

Work on the plan for Cerne Abbas, Up Cerne, Nether Cerne and Godmanstone started back in 2011 and there were various stages of public consultation and examination before this week’s referendum.

Chairman of the steering group and Cerne Valley Parish Council member Fred Horsington has been involved in the start and said he was delighted with the result.

He said after such a long time working towards it, he was pleased that the residents had voted so convincingly in favour and was also satisfied with the turnout result – which was similar to that of a general election.

Cllr Horsington said: “It’s a relief and we can now move forward.

“We are very pleased.”

The neighbourhood plan will now help influence planning issues in the area and shape future development.

As well as being a first for Dorset, Cllr Horsington said the last time he checked there were just 45 other neighbourhood plans in existence in the country, with many more in the pipeline.

After a long day at the polling station for those responsible in manning the referendum, Cllr Horsington said he wanted to thank all those who helped on the day.

He said: “It was a very good do.”