THE Weymouth East Pact meeting held at Weymouth Fire Station went very well and was well attended.

The police pointed out that more officers are now trained in Speed Check Cameras and there will be a lot more speed checks taking place in and around the area, some thing welcomed by all.

The Council dog warden pointed out that all the new laws on dogs, with reference to leads and fouling, are now law and he will take action with more patrols and fines for offenders.

The Pact panel also pointed out that '20 is plenty' and signs are still available if any one would like one.

Coun Roger Allan said that new traffic calming on Rodwell Ave has now been put on hold but hopes to get it all installed in very near future.

The good news is there were no main Pact points, which shows the area is improving all the time.

The chairman along with the police urged all to look after the area and their neighbours and report anything suspicious or any crime to the police on 01305 222222.

The next Weymouth East Pact meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 21 at Weymouth Fire Station at 7pm.

All are welcome.