
TWENTY people from the Charlestown Victory Hall Coffee Mornings were recently treated to a trip to the Sealife Centre, courtesy of John and Karen from Alf’s Fish and Chip Shop.

People who hadn’t been for years thought how improved it was and those who had never been couldn’t believe how big it was.

Three brave ladies and two stalwart gents went on the Crocodile Ride, which was exciting but very wet!

All the staff were so pleasant and helpful to them and they were transported there by Fleetline Taxis.

They would like to thank Wessex Radio for supporting them throughout the year and to John and Karen who continue to do so much for them.

VICTORY Hall are holding a Christmas Fayre on Wednesday, December 9 at the Victory Hall 10am-1 pm.

This will have all the usual stalls including a tombola and a cake stall.

It will be part of the usual coffee morning but at lunchtime we will be offering soup and rolls for purchase. Everyone welcome.

PLEASE note that the last Victory Hall Whist Drive of the year will be on Tuesday, December 15 at 2pm re-commencing on Tuesday, January 5, 2010.

Their last Coffee Morning will be Wednesday, December 16 and starting again on Wednesday, January 6, 2010.

They would like to thank everyone for all the help and support they have received over the past year and to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.