Weymouth Community Volunteers want to hear from drivers who would like to use their spare time in helping the elderly residents of Littlemoor
Following changes to the eligibility criteria for hospital transport many of our local residents have been left to organise their own way to and from hospitals.
Volunteer drivers are urgently needed to meet the demand from our senior citizens  to transport them to and from hospital, doctor’s surgeries and other health related appointments.
Weymouth Community Transport is in immediate need of volunteers with a little or a lot of time on their hands and willing to help.
This is a very worthwhile use of spare time and is greatly appreciated by our older and more vulnerable residents so please do lend a hand if you can.
Out of pocket expenses are paid, and parking spaces have been negotiated with the hospital.
All drivers will have to undergo a CRB check, to safeguard both the driver and the passenger.
If you can spare some time, would like to find out more, or would like to register, please call Caroline, Transport Coordinator, on 01305 783999 who would be happy to take your details and tell you more.


The Littlemoor choir, More Voices want more voices.
Don’t worry if you’ve never sung with a choir before or can’t read music, go along to the community hall and find out for yourself how much fun singing can be.
With Christmas just around the corner the choir are preparing for their annual Carol Concert.
Practice sessions are run on Monday evening from 7pm until 9pm. Just turn up and join in, or give Baz Hain a call on 01305259672.


A table top sale is held at the community hall every first Sunday in the month between 12pm and 4pm.
Many great bargains are to be had and if you have anything you would like to sell then you can book a table.
Large ones cost £4 and a small one £2. Refreshments are available.
For more details give Colin a ring on 07576553536.


A reminder that the craft group runs every Thursday at the community hall between 2pm and 4pm.
Bring your own crafts to work on or learn new ones.
Nail Art sessions are currently being run, but if you want to get ahead with making your Christmas cards then this is the place to go.
Refreshments are available. Give Jan a call on 01305834126.

The free CV writing facility with access to the latest software has had a disappointing response and very few people have taken advantage of this. Because of the poor response the facility will not be available for the rest of this year but will resume again in January.