I AM writing in response to the article in the Echo on Monday November 14 and Tuesday November 15, regarding the proposals of changes to our GP surgeries in Weymouth and Portland, Dorchester and West Dorset.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to work out what these proposals mean to us all.

What the CCG are trying to force on us, is by reducing all our local doctor surgeries, so to introduce larger sites.

What they mean is that to do this they will starve our GP surgeries of funds, so to force these proposals through.

What people should understand is that the whole idea is to privatise the whole NHS, this is what has been happening since Thatcher came to power and first started this programme of change.

Also when the CCG state no decision has yet been made, that is actually what is going to happen regardless, they also say that public consultation is not necessary. But what they don’t want to understand, is that the general public are actually patients at the surgeries they propose to close.

So this affects us all, and force us into change we do not want, so think again CCG.

Writing this with utter disgust, also what will happen if these proposals are forced on us all, you will never see the same doctor if you see one at all.

This is a very angry patient who supports our local surgery we attend and do not want to lose, and we should all do the same.

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