BEWARE of fresh dangers along the Jurassic Coast.

Officials say that despite continued warnings people are still risking their lives by getting stuck in the mud on the beach at Swanage.

The patch of shore, near recent landslips, has become a waterlogged mix of mud and sand and is dangerous. Firefighters rescued a walker yesterday after he ignored the warning signs and became stranded in the mud.

Steve Mackenzie, chief executive of Purbeck District Council, said: “We are disturbed to hear people continue to ignore the warning signs and are getting stuck in the mud near the landslip.

“It is particularly worrying that someone could take a chance at high tide or in the dark when there is no-one around. Don’t risk your life, the signs are there for your safety.”

Heavy rain in December led to parts of the cliff becoming unstable with a number of landslips causing debris to fall on to the sea wall and beach.

Further wet weather in January made the situation worse, with significant landfalls to the north of Ocean Bay, particularly between Burlington Chine and Sheps Hollow. The ground is waterlogged, making the cliff unstable and at risk of falls of rock and clay.