WEYMOUTH Inner Wheel Club celebrated its 75th anniversary.

The group, including presidents past and present, celebrated the day with a lunch at Cygnets Restaurant, Weymouth College.

The club decided to keep the event low key, as they had a huge masked ball for their 60th anniversary.

Members enjoyed lunch and a special celebratory cake and looked through old photo albums of their various meetings and activities over the years.

The Weymouth club was one of the first hundred clubs to be formed.

Inner Wheel is one of the largest, worldwide voluntary organisations for women. Originally membership was offered to wives of Rotarians.

Nowadays, however, many more ladies with Rotary connections are eligible to join and recently, by invitation from an Inner Wheel Club, in certain circumstances, women who have no qualifying connection, may also be welcomed into a club.

Special guest for the event was District Chairman Lyn Harrison, who cut the cake created by Annie Jones.

Nora Stone regaled the group with one of her famously witty poems.

A spokeswoman for the group said: “We had a super time reminiscing about past times, although tinged with poignancy on occasions, for members no longer with us. “We had fun looking through photo albums brought along by past presidents.”

She added: “We all enjoyed a slice of cake along with our coffee, before heading off our separate ways, replete with food and very special memories.