I've just returned from walking the dog through Charminster.

What a pleasure it wasn't to walk through copious lumps of horse mess on the pavement.

Not content with chasing some terrified fox, it would appear that the ‘horsey community’ feel it perfectly acceptable to deposit filth on our pavements and leave it there.

Fortunately I have the manners to clean up after my dog, whilst suffering the arrogance of people who feel that cleaning up after their animals is somebody elses job.

Last week, near Bere Regis, I came across a group of these brave sportspeople blocking the road with no regard for others.

Again I had the manners to wait until they could be bothered to start chasing defenceless animals again, with zero acknowedgement.

Is it any wonder a majority hold these people in contempt?

K N Conroy, Pound Close, Charminster