COMMUNITY heroes will be getting a visit from a Dorset MP this summer as he tours the county on his motorbike. 'MP on a motorbike' is the new initiative by Richard Drax to meet the 'unsung heroes' among his constituents. Mr Drax said he thought the idea is 'fun and a bit unusual'. He said: “A huge part of the fun of my job is meeting people. It's part of the joy of being an MP. “I hear remarkable stories about people who go above and beyond. I think this summer is really going to be an education for me.” Mr Drax, who represents South Dorset, is a keen motorcyclist and will be taking his BMW along the highways and byways of the county to reach villages and hamlets. His staff will be contacting community leaders ahead of the visits to arrange to meet people. He said: “In my experience there are hundreds, if not thousands of these wonderful people, who contribute so much to their local society. “They are the glue which holds our communities together. They could be bell ringers or the people who have mown the grass at church for 20 years. “They could be that person in the village who looks after everyone else and takes the elderly people to hospital or the postie who does more than deliver the mail and has become a friend to everyone.” He added: “I want to meet these people to say thank you and to hear their stories.” Mr Drax said his job as an MP is 'pretty full on'. “I wanted to make the effort and the summer is a good time to do that. “It allows me to target those areas I otherwise might not because time doesn't allow.” He added: “I'll be visiting different communities from around 9am to about 1pm, and I imagine a part of the day will involve having lunch in the village pub.” The first venue on the 'MP on a motorbike' tour is West Lulworth on July 22. Mr Drax will also visit Swanage on July 25, Portland on August 19, Littlemoor on August 21 and Crossways on August 22.