More than 100 drivers have been arrested in a crackdown on drink driving.

Dorset Police officers arrested 101 drivers on the county’s roads and gave breath tests to 707 during its annual drink drive summer campaign.

Between June 1-30 officers conducted checks including early morning checks undertaken by both marked and unmarked police patrols.

Drivers involved in road traffic collisions were automatically breath tested during the campaign – which ran in tandem with the national drink drive campaign.

Of those arrested, 22 came after road traffic collisions.

Dorset Police Traffic Inspector, Matt Butler, said: “Although the summer campaign is over for another year, we will continue to target those who put their lives and others at risk by drink driving.

“More than 20 per cent of arrests came after collisions which shows how dangerous drink driving is. “There is no safe limit, so anytime that you are going out for a drink you need to plan how to get home without driving yourself.”

He added: “I’d like to thank the public for their support and would continue to urge people to call police if they suspect someone is drink driving.”

Drink drivers should be reported by calling police on 101. When a crime is in progress or life is at risk, dial 999.

The figures have remained almost the same as last year's campaign when 100 arrests were made.