A WEYMOUTH mum and daughter had a shock when they discovered a snake in their garden.

Bridie and Ann Denniss, of Sunnyside Road, were having a cup of tea yesterday morning when they saw something on the garden wall.

Bridie said they looked and saw a ‘pink and white snake’ going down the wall.

The pair grabbed a council garden sack and a pair of salad tongs and attempted to get the snake into the sack.

The pair said the snake tried to bite them.

Bridie said the pair were shocked to see the creature in the garden. She said: “It’s not normal really is it?

“It livened up the school holidays a bit there.”

She added: “It has obviously escaped from somewhere.”

Mrs Denniss said they hadn’t been scared by the creature.

She said: “We just sort of looked at it and thought, ‘Oh we better capture it and put it in something. Obviously it’s somebody’s pet.”

They put the snake in a spare vivarium.

They thought it might belong to a neighbour but after making enquiries found it wasn’t and called CC Moore on the Granby Industrial Estate.

Manager Chris Hewlett runs the reptile department. He said: “They described it to me- it’s quite a distinctive colour.

“It’s basically an albino California King Snake. They are quite a common pet snake.”

Mr Hewlett said that California King Snake’s are normally quite friendly and make good pets but this one had been outside so it may have been a little grumpy.

CC Moore’s is currently looking after the snake.

Bridie said she hoped the owner would see the piece in the paper and get in touch so they could be reunited with their pet.

If you are the owner please contact C C Moore & Co Ltd, Unit 12-13, Granby Court, Weymouth, or call 01305 789161.