Unfortunately the article this week starts with an appeal for help regarding an unprovoked and serious assault on a group of males in the High East Street area of the town late on Saturday, November 2, writes Inspector Steve Marsh.

A group of males attacked a second group resulting in a number of injuries including fractured jaws.

It is possible that anyone drinking in Goldies Public House or were in the vicinity of Icen Way may have seen the start of this fight and could provide important information.

We have made a number of positive enquires but if you have information and have not been contacted by police we would be very keen to hear from you.

Alcohol-related assaults are currently showing a slight increase over the last few months. Whilst some of this could be attributed to the summer months with increased numbers in the town I am keen to ensure the issue does not become a problem.

We are working with licensees who are broadly supportive of measures to ensure responsible drinking and behaviour takes place in our pubs.

I am also trying to increase the visible police presence in the town centre at weekends but have to manage this against demands elsewhere.

I am confident that the issue is one that will not escalate further.

Thefts from work vans continue to take place, as do commercial thefts.

There have been increases recently of thefts of diesel from larger vehicles parked overnight – the vehicles concerned are usually used for commercial purposes and we continue to work with business premises to prevent an increase in the town centre area.

I am pleased to say that on Wednesday we recovered four stolen motorbikes hidden in the rear garden of a local premises. The bikes were of sentimental as well as commercial value and I am confident arrests will follow.