A grant awarded by Dorset Historic Churches Trust has helped complete restoration works to the roof and tower of St Andrew’s Church in Bloxworth, which dates back to the 14th century.

With necessary repairs costing almost £17,000, Dorset Historic Churches Trust (DHCT) stepped in with a grant contribution of £6,000 to help fund the two-month project. The Trust joined other organisations, including the Erskine Mouton Trust and the Wolfson Foundation, as well as local fundraising efforts, to ensure the work was completed. Specialist church architect, Chris Romain, oversaw the painstaking work to repair much of the 700-year-old tower and roof. The work itself was carried out by local builder A E Griffin & Son, based in Bere Regis.

St Andrew’s Church is best known for hosting the much-loved Dorset Carols, which the church has held since the beginning of the 19th century and in recent years has filled the church to capacity. Bloxworth also provides a major contribution to the Red Post Benefice Choir, currently supplying five of the 13 regular choristers supporting the five churches in the Red Post Benefice. Barry De Morgan, Deanery Representative for DHCT, commented: “The Trust was delighted to be able to award this grant to St Andrew’s, in order for the important repair work to the tower and roof to be completed.”

  • Founded by Sir Owen Morshead in 1959, the Dorset Historic Churches Trust is a voluntary run charity.

It raises funds and provides around £100,000 each year to Dorset’s churches and chapels of all Christian denominations to assist the increasing costs of maintenance, restoration and improving facilities.

Its main source of income is the annual ‘Ride + Stride’ which takes place every September and involves some 200 parish and church communities across the county.