YOUR report of Broadview Energy’s briefing to Dorchester Town Council Planning Committee (Echo, February 5) is part of its energetic local lobbying campaign.

It is seeking to gain support for a massive development of seven 125m high industrial turbines here in the heart of Hardy Country, just north of Dorchester.

Most readers will be familiar with the wind turbine at Rogers Hill beside the A35 at Bere Regis.

That is just less than half the height of these giant structures.

One of Broadview’s main arguments is economic. They claim it will bring business to the town and say £70,000 will be paid into a community fund each year.

Let’s be clear. It is unlikely to bring much business to the town; of the estimated £14million construction costs, employing mainly specialist constructors, only a minute amount will ever be spent locally.

At best the £70,000 will be spread amongst the entire population of Dorchester, Poundbury, Charminster, Charlton Down, Stinsford, Piddlehinton and others – not very much per person.

Dorset’s income from tourism is £850 million a year.

If this huge industrial development reduces this by even half a per cent it will lose our county over £4million annually.

So these turbines could adversely affect our local trade from hotels to B&Bs, cafes, shops, heritage attractions and severely impact local house prices.

Of course we all support realistic renewable energy projects but wind energy is problemmatic; it is erratic and until an economic way of storing it is found, it is at best only an expensive supplement to our energy sources, which are funded through taxes and surcharges to our energy bills.

We believe this massive industrial development is wholly inappropriate in our landscape and will leave a legacy of industrial blight.

If you agree with us please make your feelings known to your MP and local councillors and register your opposition at noslyerslaneturbines.co.uk

Tim Yarker, Chairman, Noslyerslaneturbines