What fabulous weather we have just had whilst visiting our parents in Weymouth to celebrate our daughter’s second birthday.

Our days were filled with ice cream, fish and chips and dipping our toes in the sea along with many promenade walks.

However, the whole promenade experience was spoiled by cyclists not adhering to the ‘no cycling’signs.

Before I get shot down in flames, I must point out that there were a number of cyclists that did adhere to these signs and duly dismounted their bikes.

My disabled mother, who has to walk with a walking aid, literally had to swerve to avoid cyclists, and, on numerous occasions, our two-year-old toddler had to be rescued before she was knocked off her feet.

This happened each and every time we set foot on to the prom making the visits extremely unpleasant.

It is clearly evident that some cyclists either have a distinct lack of understanding for the rules that have been in force for as long as I can remember, or they simply can’t see the ‘no cycle’ signs that are about 12 foot high on the lampposts.

My question is why can’t there be more signs positioned at eye level or better still have signs painted on the path itself?

I found this aspect of our family celebrations very annoying.