SHELLFISH along the Dorset coast still contains traces of a potential deadly toxin, it has been announced.

The Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) toxin has been found to affect scallops and mussels and Portland Harbour continues to remain under a closure notice for the harvesting of filter feeding molluscs. The closure does not include The Fleet oyster beds.

Dorset authorities are working with the Food Standards Agency, the Marine Management Organisation and the Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority to monitor ASP levels.

A spokesman for the Weymouth Port Health Authority said: “Whole scallop samples still show the toxin to be above the permitted level but encouragingly we are now able to say from shucked sample toxin results we have obtained, that shucking, ie removal of the white meat and roe under controlled conditions in an approved fisheries processing establishment, gives a product which is safe for consumption.

“However, catering premises are not suitable for the shucking process and it should not be undertaken in these premises.”

ASP toxin can cause neurological symptoms if consumed in sufficient quantity.

Anyone with questions should call Weymouth Port Health Authority on 01305 838432 or email