Well said councillors Jean Dunseith, Lucy Hamilton and Kate Wheller re the debate on the proposed Travellers site in Wyke Regis.

It may be that geographically this site is in West Dorset but as the only access to this site is via Camp Road from Wyke Road or Lanehouse, it will be the residents of Wyke Regis who will bear the brunt of this proposal if it is allowed to go through.

The junction at the meeting point of Wyke Road, Lanehouse, Camp Road and All Saints Road is already a nightmare and I repeat this is the only accessible way into this site.

Many of us who live in Wyke have, since the Olympics, campaigned through our councillors Kate Wheller and Lucy Hamilton for better access to cross this junction.

There are daily near misses with traffic partially because of approaching the mini round-about from Lanehouse.

This is through no fault of our councillors, who have repres-ented us admirably trying to get DCC to address this issue.

Accessibility is the main reason why this proposal should be rejected.

Total strangers can be given not only priority housing, which many Weymouth people would like, but also a debate on their needs.

Meanwhile, the residents of Wyke and Lanehouse are totally ignored.

How democratic is that?

Margaret and John Watts
Church Knap
Wyke Regis