SWAP skills and make friends at the harvest meeting in Dorset.

LETS, the Local Exchange Trading System, is a system where people trade the work they can do for others, for a currency called Marts, rather than pounds sterling.

For the last two decades the Weymouth, Portland and West Dorset LETS group have been exchanging everything from babysitting to plumbing, dog walking to computer repairs and massage free of charge, earning Marts to spend on others’ skills.

On Sunday, October 19 they are holding their harvest supper and trading event at Martinstown Village Hall.

There will be a harvest meal and people can get together and learn more about the scheme. The group holds monthly shared meals at members’ homes, where everyone brings along food and drink and items to sell for Marts too.

The harvest event will be held from 11.30am until 4pm, and entrance is free, but people should bring along food and drink to share.

Membership of LETS costs £5 per year for individuals or for family/couples membership.

Contact Katy Murrell for more information at katy_murrell@hotmail.com or 01305 262253 / 07966 308154.