VISITORS to the Weymouth Beach Motorcross this weekend are being urged to use the park and ride service.

Thousands of people are expected to flock to this annual event held on Weymouth’s main beach.

This year it will take place on Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12, with the main racing happening on the Sunday.

Dorset County Council says using the 1,000 site park and ride facility at Mount Pleasant is one way to avoid long queues.

It costs £3 for a car and up to seven passengers, with buses scheduled to shuttle into the town centre every 15 minutes.

On Saturday the buses will run between 8am and 6.15pm.

There will be a special Sunday service from 9am with the last bus leaving town at 5.45pm.

Cllr Peter Finney, the county council’s Cabinet member for environment and economy, said: “The park and ride is a cheap and stress-free way to travel.”

He added: “It can take the hassle out of finding a parking space, leaving you more time to enjoy the event in Weymouth.”