CAMPAIGNERS are not giving up their fight to save a historic Weymouth pub which could be transformed into flats.

The Albert Inn at Wyke Regis, which closed earlier this year, is now subject to a planning application from Harding Holdings which will go before borough council planners today.

The scheme to alter the Grade II listed building so it can be converted into five flats is being recommended for approval.

The proposal includes five parking spaces in a courtyard using up part of the beer garden and former cellar yard.

Planning officers say the conversion is acceptable and would be in keeping with the character of the building and Wyke Regis Conservation Area.

A report to councillors explains how the West Dorset branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) failed in trying to get the building listed as an Asset of Community Value, which would have protected it as a pub.

The application failed because there is another pub nearby – the Wyke Smugglers.

The report quotes the applicant as saying the pub leaseholder didn’t renew her lease in October 2012 due to a lack of custom, leading to financial pressure and the business not being commercially viable, so it was put on the market for £425,000, later reduced to £300,000.

No-one came forward to take it over as a pub, and it was acquired by the current owner last November.

More than a dozen people have objected to the plan and a petition with 144 signatures has been organised, as locals complain about the loss of a community asset along with parking and traffic concerns.

Case officer Darren Rogers said while there are objections from residents there is no local plan seeking the retention of community facilities and the council cannot demonstrate a housing land supply. He also says the Albert has been marketed as a pub without any interest.

Despite this, CAMRA is objecting to the application as it says it would ‘destroy the chances of the pub ever reopening’.

Wyke resident and CAMRA member Alex Bardswell will address councillors to stress the need to keep the building as a pub.

She said: “It’s the last pub in the old village that used to have at least four pubs. The Albert Inn should be given the opportunity to serve the community again.”

Ms Bardswell was one of many Wyke residents who pledged money to a project to buy the pub from Punch Taverns.

CAMRA spokesman Michel Hooper-Immins says no information is provided with the application as to why the Albert Inn could not reopen as a pub.

He said: “CAMRA hates seeing any pubs close.

“We think an enterprising licensee could reopen the pub with new ideas and restore a much missed community hub.”