I have been reading with interest the comments on the changes in criteria for day care and the increase in home care charges.

I have not had an opportunity to comment as staff at Age Concern Dorchester have been overwhelmed with older people, disabled people and their carers in tears or very angry coming to us for advice.

We would suggest that those who have been affected make their voice heard, by writing to their elected Dorset County Council councillor, to Coun David Crowhurst the portfolio holder at DCC, to Donald Hyatt the older people's champion and to your MP. Individual letters with your individual situation make a difference.

We would also encourage those who are facing increases in home care charges to have a benefits health check.

Many people do not claim their entitlements. For example, attendance allowance is a health-related benefit which does not depend on how much income or savings you have. It depends on your health needs.

If you need help getting in and out of the bath, getting dressed, walking a distance, climbing the stairs or are confused, you could be eligible.

Age Concern Dorchester hopes no-one will reduce their hours of home care because of cost. There is the danger that individuals will become frailer faster without support, which could lead to hospitalisation, eg broken hip and possible long-term residential care.

Age Concern Dorchester receives no funding from DCC for its information and advice service.

It is mainly funded through the generous donations of local individuals and organisations.

We provide this service to everyone over 55 and put the individual first.

For a benefits health check or for other information contact us on 01305 269444.

Wendy Hilton Chief Officer Age Concern Dorchester