I write in reply to the letter Monorail should at least be considered' (Echo, February 3) from John Jenkins, who thinks a monorail is such a wonderful idea for this area.

Has he any idea of the impact that this monstrosity would have on real people who do actually own real properties along the Rodwell Trail?

He who lives out in Preston well away from the chaos that would no doubt ensue.

Even more worryingly, does he know how much it would cost? In a previous letter he stated that it would be expensive. That is an understatement.

From his 'feasibility study' to actually building the thing would cost millions. Where would this money come from? Not from Government or from the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, they can't even agree to build the Relief Road.

The people of this country, not to mention this county, are taxed to the hilt already so how indeed would this speciality be funded?

If it's that important to provide a rail link from Weymouth to Portland then reinstal the railway lines that were originally there. At least that way it would not be an eyesore or invasion of privacy for the residents who live along the Trail by having pylons and rails at a great height at the end of their gardens.

The people who use the Rodwell Trail for walking and cycling would lose that privilege. but let's face it, the Rodwell Trail did originally provide part of the railway from Weymouth to Portland.

If this idiotic scheme ever came to pass within the hallowed chambers of our elected council members can those opposed to it depend on them to dismiss it as the fantasy that it is?

Going by recent events in the borough I doubt it very much as it seems the more ridiculous the proposition and the more opposition a proposal receives the more the council embraces it.

Just get on and spend the money to get the relief road built. That's the answer. We can only hope that Mr Jenkins' dream has well and truly been forgotten and time indeed will run out.

N Hoskins, Clearmount Road, Weymouth.