DORSET County Council will soon be submitting a long-awaited outline planning application for the new Mountjoy School in Bridport.

Campaigners have been fighting for a new school since it was threatened with closure in 1999.

Such was the strength of support in the community for the special school the county agreed to rebuild it instead.

A spokesman for the county council said: "Although it has long been the commitment and intention of the county council to replace the school, the project has been frustrated by a number of factors, including significant site and planning issues. However, a suitable site has now been identified at the rear of the Social Education Centre (SEC) in Flood Lane.

"The land is already in the ownership of the county council and forms part of the SEC site. The development offers the potential to address other needs to update day service and rationalise local office accommodation in Bridport.

"A masterplan is therefore being developed, to maintain the provision of services while new facilities are being built."

The council will work with Bluestone plc to build a purpose-built school with 21st century facilities.

Funding is currently earmarked for the scheme within the council's capital programmes and this will complete the schools proposals for the Bridport area, which has seen the replacement of the town's primary schools and The Sir John Colfox School.

It is anticipated that the outline planning application will be ready for submission by Easter 2007 and a detailed planning application will be submitted later in the year.

Headteacher at Mountjoy Pam Stewart said: "I am delighted this significant step towards our rebuild has now been taken.

"It is such an exciting prospect when we consider the extent of the masterplan and our part in it; in Bridport and West Dorset it incorporates improved provision for people of all ages who may have significant additional needs. I am grateful to those who have persevered with this project and helped us reach this stage, from those who have direct links with the school to the elected members and council officers who have enabled a number of obstacles to be overcome."