THE railway line between Weymouth and Dorchester is closed this weekend for engineering work.

The closure affects Weymouth-Waterloo services run by South West Trains and First Great Western which runs trains to Bristol.

Buses are being laid on for passengers travelling between Weymouth and Dorchester South and West stations today and tomorrow.

Travellers will be able to pick up connecting trains from Dorchester stations.

Journey times will be extended as a result of the line closure.

For full details of these changes and the impact on journeys passengers are advised to use the National Rail Enquiries Journey Planner.

The engineering work is part of a programme of works being carried out on the line this spring. South West Trains says the works by Network Rail have to be done to maintain and improve the rail network.

Much of this work is done at weekends and during holiday periods, but some work also needs to be done during the night.