A FORMER navel officers has launched an assault on litter on Poundbury's Great Field.

There have been a number of complaints about litter and dog mess on the field but little was done before Captain John Lock moved to Poundbury from Frampton last year.

He was so disappointed with the mess he encountered he began setting out on patrol every morning to collect as much rubbish as he can.

Capt Lock often goes out again in the early evening and comes across anything from plastic bottles, drink cans and sweet wrappers to discarded clothing and litter blown across the field from various building sites.

He has recently been instrumental in securing the installation of a 'dog station with bag dispenser' from Dorchester Town Council and the Duchy of Cornwall.

Capt Lock said: "I despair at seeing litter strewn over this lovely area as well as the litter becoming more noticeable on roadside verges throughout large areas in Dorset."

He believes those responsible show a disregard for the environment and obviously don’t care about anyone else.

In recognition of his efforts Capt Lock was presented with a professional litter picker, bag hoop and rubbish bags from treasurer of the Dorchester Stop the Drop anti litter campaign Felicity McLaren.