TODAY is the day to make your mark on history as the country goes to the polls.

In 2010, a staggering 181,000 (almost one third) of electors in Dorset did not cast a vote in the general election.

But every vote matters – decisions are made by those who turn up.

Voting gives the Government legitimacy – meaning they have the people’s support to make decisions.

In South Dorset the parliamentary candidates are Conservative Richard Drax, Labour’s Simon Bowkett, Howard Legg for the Lib Dems, Jane Burnet for the Green Party, Ukip’s Malcolm Shakesby, Andy Kirkwood and Mervyn Stewkesbury, who are both standing as independent candidates.

In West Dorset the candidates are Conservative Oliver Letwin, Labour’s Rachel Rogers, Ros Kayes for the Lib Dems, Peter Barton for the Green Party and Ukip’s David Glossop.

The Echo will be bringing you all the latest news from the polling stations around the county and also the national picture.

Visit for our live blog, running throughout today and tonight and tomorrow.

Tomorrow the Echo will bring you an election special edition of the newspaper.

You can also follow the reporters at both the South and West Dorset counts on Twitter, using the hashtag #GE2015

It is not just a vote for MPs that residents are casting today as seats on both Weymouth and Portland Borough and West Dorset District councils are up for grabs.

We will be at the Weymouth and Portland count tomorrow and the West Dorset District count on Saturday to bring you the results.

Following a shake-up of ward boundaries, the number of councillors on West Dorset will be cut from 48 to 42 members across 24 wards.

A total of 129 aspiring councillors have put themselves forward as candidates.

In Dorchester alone there are nine seats up for grabs across four wards with 31 candidates in total.

Meanwhile, candidates are fighting for a third of seats on Weymouth and Portland Borough Council (WPBC).

Councillors are elected in thirds to the borough council and seats across 12 wards are being contested this year. Elections are not being held in the wards of Littlemoor, Portland Underhill and Westham East this year.

Elections are also being held for Dorchester Town Council.