A WEYMOUTH teenager has taken to the pool to swim 56 miles for charity in one week.

Sophie Moore, 13, a pupil at Budmouth College, will be swimming approximately nine miles a day in Weymouth Swimming Pool to raise money for Against Breast Cancer.

Before starting yesterday evening, Sophie said: “I’m a little bit nervous but I’m looking forward to getting it started.”

Sophie’s mum, Sarah, wants people to come down and support Sophie.

“If people want to come down in the week and swim a few lengths, they can come and swim with her, just to keep her going, that’d be fantastic.”

Sophie is hoping to raise money for the charity after watching a loved one battle breast cancer over the last year.

She said: “I’ve watched them over the past year battle it and nobody should have to go through it really.”

The motivation of helping a loved one is something that Sophie hopes will push her to get the challenge done.

Sophie will take to the pool multiple times a day over the next week to complete the challenge.

Sarah said: “She’s got to cover about nine miles a day. She’s swimming twice a day over Saturday and Sunday and three times a day through the week.”

This isn’t the first time Sophie has taken on a challenge like this, in 2013 she took to the pool and swan the equivalent distance of the Channel raising just over £4,000.

This time, she wants to go even better and raise more money for the charity.

Sarah said: “It’s fantastic – she’s on about three and a half grand so far. Last time she raised just over four, so she really wants to beat that.”

Sophie joined her mum in urging people to support her, whether that is by donating or coming down and jumping in the pool to help her kick on.

Collection boxes have been put around Weymouth, Bridport and Dorchester.

To donate go to justgiving.com/Sophie-Moore13