COUNCILLORS have appointed the new mayor of Lyme Regis and agreed to invite candidates to come forward to fill vacant seats on the authority.

Owen Lovell will return as mayor and chairman of Lyme Regis Town Council, with Cllr Michaela Ellis as his deputy and chairman of the strategy and policy committee.

Councillors voted in favour of the appointments at last week's full council meeting - and the authority will advertise for four more councillors to join the authority through co-option.

The move comes after only ten candidates applied for the 14 seats on the authority. Cllr Daryl Turner argued that the council should only seek to appoint two more members, but councillors voted in favour of keeping the number of councillors as 14.

Cllr Anita Williams, said: "I would propose that we do go out and look to co-opt.

"I think for the first time in a long time, I appear to be the youngest person at the table. I think we need some variation and I would like to see some youth.

"I think there's an awful lot of work to be done and I think that ten people will struggle. I'm not sure what the benefit would be of limiting it. Let's advertise and see who comes forward."

After Cllr Turner suggested the authority only look to appoint two new councillors, Mayor Lovell and Cllr Ellis both said that although they were in favour of reducing the number of members, now was not the time.

"I'm well known for my view of taking it down to ten" said Mayor Lovell. "I would like to think at this moment in time that we can encourage as many people as we can to come forward."

Cllr Ellis said: "I would like to see the council cut to 12.

"But I would like to see what's out there first and then go ahead with looking at reducing the council in time for the next election."

Co-opted councillors will have the same duties, rights and responsibilities as the current appointed councillors.