CAMPAIGNERS fighting to protect children’s services at Dorset County Hospital have been enjoying a picnic at the offices of the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The latest protest from parents and members of the community opposing proposals from the CCG that threaten the Kingfisher Ward and Special Care Baby Unit saw around 30 people camp out on the lawn of Vespasian House in Dorchester.

Parents, youngsters and adults of all ages came together and sang ‘we will not be moved’ as they peacefully made their point in front of the CCG offices.

The event followed a march in the county town last weekend that attracted over 1,000 people and organisers say it was just the first of many more protests planned for over the summer.

They said it was all about getting the message across to the CCG that the opposition is not going to go away.

Campaigner Naomi Patterson said: “We are setting the example for many to come throughout the summer.”

She added that the site in front of the CCG offices would become a ‘playground’ over the coming weeks as they hold numerous events there to keep the pressure on bosses at the organisation.

Fellow campaigner Nicky Dear added: “We are going to try and get here as much as we can so they all know we are not going away.”

She added that those who organised the march last weekend were ‘overwhelmed’ by the number of people who turned out for it and the amount of support they had continued to receive for their campaign.

Nicky stressed that they needed that support to continue and urged people not to forget about their fight.

She said: “We don’t want people to get bored of us, we have got to keep going.”

Naomi said that the campaigners are holding a meeting this weekend to decide the date for a second march and they hope to announce plans shortly.

Nicky said they were keen to put on another march for people who missed out on the last one and those who were involved who had said they wanted to do another one.

She said: “There were a lot of people disappointed they couldn’t make it last time and there were also a lot of people who said they can’t wait for the next one.

“As long as people keep coming and showing their support we will continue to make a point.”