CARERS in Dorset are being reminded of the help that is on offer.

The call comes ahead of Carers’ Rights Day which is tomorrow. The theme for the day this year is “Looking after someone? Know your rights” and will focus on:

• Making carers aware of their rights.
• Letting carers know where to get help and support.
• Raising awareness of the needs of carers.

There are more than 6.5 million carers in the UK, providing unpaid care for a family member or friend. The UK’s carers are indispensable and they save the economy £87 billion every year.

Many struggle to navigate the maze of services and entitlements, and miss out on financial and practical support as a result. And it’s not just people who are new to caring – even those who have been caring for years sometimes aren’t aware of all their entitlements.

In Dorset, 50,000 people provide care on a regular basis.

Having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference when you are looking after someone.

Cllr Bill Trite, champion for carers at Dorset County Council, said: “Three in five of us will become a carer at some point in our lives, giving unpaid support to someone we know who is ill, frail or disabled. Sometimes a little help for carers can go a long way.

“The council funds a range of services for carers, including a network of support groups across the county and short respite services so carers can have a much needed break from their caring duties. Help is available – people do not need to cope alone.”

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